针对强海杂波背景下高频雷达的舰船目标检测问题,提出了基于检测前跟踪(TBD,trackbefore detect)技术的检测方法。该方法先在多普勒域对回波数据进行杂波抑制和低门限CFAR(constant false alarm rate)预处理以降低虚警率和计算复杂度,再采用动态规划TBD算法进行检测和跟踪以提高检测性能。蒙特卡洛仿真结果和回波数据验证表明该方法可提高对一阶海杂波附近舰船目标的检测能力,工程实用性强。
A TBD-based detection method is proposed to resolve ship target detection against strong sea clutter for high-frequency radar.By this method,we preprocess the echo datas by clutter suppression and low-threshold CFAR in Doppler domain to reduce false alarm rate and computation complexity,and subsequently apply dynamic programming TBD processing to improve detection performance.Good performance and engineering viability is testified by Monte Carlo simulation,and high detection ability for ship with close Doppler to first-order sea clutter is proved by radar echo data.
Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology