
2005至2009年《中华骨科杂志》载文被引分析 被引量:13

The citation analysis of Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics from 2005 to 2009
摘要 目的从文献引证的角度透视《中华骨科杂志》的学术水平和期刊质量。方法利用《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》(chinese medical citation index,CMCI),采用文献计量方法对《中华骨科杂志》载文被CMCI来源期刊引用的情况进行统计分析,主要文献计量学统计指标包括各年度发文被引率、篇均论文被引次数、单篇论文被引情况、作者被引情况、被引作者的地区和高产机构分布、主要引用期刊和自引率及被引论文年代分布等。结果2005至2009年《中华骨科杂志》发表论文1182篇,被引用了663篇(3728次),平均发文被引比例为56.09%,单篇论文平均被引5.62次,单篇论文最高被引为104次。单篇被引5次以上论文210篇,共被引2835次,占总被引篇数的31.68%,占被引总频次的76.04%。663篇被引论文中,共有国内外作者485人,作者最高被引篇数为12篇,被引1篇的作者386人,占作者总数的79.58%。被引作者群的地域分布30个省(自治区)、直辖市和香港、台湾地区及美国、加拿大、法国。北京、上海和天津在骨科学研究领域居于国内前列,其中北京居第一位,占32.16%。有445种期刊引用《中华骨科杂志》。《中华骨科杂志》自引217条,自引率为0.058。结论《中华骨科杂志》所载文献质量高,在我国医学研究领域已具有较强的影响力,是骨科先进科研成果交流的平台。 Objective To evaluate the academic level and the popularity of Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics from the point view of citation. Methods According to the information of Chinese Medical Citation Index (CMCI), the amount and distribution of the original articles in Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics cited by the journals included by CMCI were statistically analyzed. The data analysis included the percentage of cited articles, the number of citation of a single article, authors of most cited articles, geological regions of cited articles, citing journals, the self citing rate and years of citation. Results The percentage of cited papers (663 articles, 3728 times) in all published 1182 articles in Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics from 2005 to 2009 was an average of 56.09%. The average time of original articles cited by other researchers was 5.62. The highest one was citated by 104 times. 210 articles (31.68% of total papers) were cited 5 or more times, and the all cited times from them were 2835 (76.04% of total cited times). 663 cited articles were written by 485 authors from different countries. The most frequently cited author wrote 12 papers. The number of authors with one paper cited was 386 (79.58% of total authors). The cited authors are from the mainland, HongKong, and Taiwan in China, as well as USA, Canada, France. Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin are leading cities in orthopaedic research. Beijing was the first place (32.16% of total authors). There were 445 citing journals. There was 217 items self cited; the selfciting rate is 0.058. Conclusion Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics has provided high quality articles and has a strong influence in the field of medical research. It has been become an important resource for orthopaedic researchers and a vital medical journal in China.
作者 杨华 曹霞
出处 《中华骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期1241-1246,共6页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics
关键词 期刊 文献计量学 统计学 Periodicals Bibliometrics Statistics
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