
酶改性对食物蛋白质过敏原性的影响 被引量:11

A Review of the Effect of Enzymatic Modification on the Allergenicity of Food Proteins
摘要 酶法改性蛋白技术主要包括酶水解和酶交联方法,它可以改变蛋白质的结构和功能特性,已广泛用于食品加工。酶水解,包括胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶、碱性蛋白酶、糜蛋白酶,可以水解食物蛋白表面的过敏原表位,从而降低其过敏原性;酶交联,包括转谷酰胺酶、过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶等,可以通过交联反应促使过敏原蛋白聚合而使其过敏原表位包裹在内部,因而也可以降低食物的过敏原性。总之,酶改性是降低食物蛋白过敏原性的一种有效方法,值得深入研究。 Enzymatic modification of protein technology, including enzyme hydrolysis and enzymatic cross-linking technology, with modification of the protein structure thus resulting in the change of functional properties, has been widely used in food processing. However, the effect of enzymatic modification on the allergenicity of food proteins has not been explored in full detail. Enzymes like pepsin, trypsin, papain, alcalase, and chymotrysin may digest allergen epitopes in food proteins and decrease its allergenicity, while transglutaminase, peroxidase, and polyphenoloxidase may polymerize the allergen proteins, package the allergen epitopes by enzymatic cross-linking, and thus reduce its allergenincity. Therefore enzymatic modification is an effective method to reduce the allergenicity of food proteins and needs further study.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第23期391-394,共4页 Food Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30860220) 教育部"新世纪优秀人才支持计划"项目(NCET-08-07-04) 南昌大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室目标导向项目(SKLF-MB-200807)
关键词 酶法改性 酶水解 酶法交联 过敏原性 enzymatic modification enzymic hydrolysis enzymatic cross-linking allergenicity
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