
云计算安全研究 被引量:1072

Study on Cloud Computing Security
摘要 云计算代表IT领域向集约化、规模化与专业化道路发展的趋势,是IT领域正在发生的深刻变革.但它在提高使用效率的同时,为实现用户信息资产安全与隐私保护带来极大的冲击与挑战.当前,安全成为云计算领域亟待突破的重要问题,其重要性与紧迫性已不容忽视.分析了云计算对信息安全领域中技术、标准、监管等各方面带来的挑战;提出云计算安全参考框架及该框架下的主要研究内容;指出云计算的普及与应用是近年来信息安全领域的重大挑战与发展契机,将引发信息安全领域又一次重要的技术变革. Cloud Computing is the fundamental change happening in the field of Information Technology. It is a representation of a movement towards the intensive, large scale specialization. On the other hand, it brings about not only convenience and efficiency problems, but also great challenges in the field of data security and privacy protection. Currently, security has been regarded as one of the greatest problems in the development of Cloud Computing. This paper describes the great requirements in Cloud Computing, security key technology, standard and regulation etc., and provides a Cloud Computing security framework. This paper argues that the changes in the above aspects will result in a technical revolution in the field of information security.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期71-83,共13页 Journal of Software
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(2007AA120404) 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(YYYJ-1013)
关键词 云计算 云安全技术框架 云安全标准 云安全服务 cloud computing cloud security framework cloud security standard cloud security service
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