
基于稀疏分解的多分量线性调频信号参数估计 被引量:4

Multicomponent chirp signal parameter estimation via sparse representation
摘要 提出了一种多分量线性调频信号的参数估计方法。基于过完备Gabor字典的Matching Pursuit算法,可以将信号表示为Gabor原子的线性组合。这些原子有效的揭示了信号的内在时频结构特征,是信号的一种稀疏表示。该方法直接利用分解得到的稀疏信息对信号中调频分量的调频率、初始频率和结束频率进行估计。仿真结果显示,该方法适用于存在强有意干扰或者有色噪声的环境。 Here, a novel algorithm for parameter estimation of multicomponent chirp signal in complicated noise environment was proposed. Using the matching pursuit algorithm, the signal was firstly decomposed into Gabor atoms which provided sparse information representing the signal time-frequency feature. Hough transformation was then directly used to estimate chirp rate, starting frequency and stopping frequency of chirp components without computing the time- frequency distribution. Simulation results showed that this algorithm is capable of estimating parameters of muhicomponent chirp signal, even in the presence of powerful intended interference and colored noise ; comparing to other techniques, the algorithm is computationally efficient and possible to be used in real-life problems.
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期175-179,共5页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60672108) 国家自然科学基金项目(60372020)资助
关键词 稀疏分解 线性调频信号 MATCHING Pursuit算法 Gabor字典 HOUGH变换 sparse representation chirp signal Matching Pursuit algorithm Gabor dictionary Hough transformation
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