
公司章程自治边界的确定 被引量:1

Research on Defining the Limit of Autonomy of Constitution of Company
摘要 公司章程自治边界的确定,需要遵循一定的原则和标准。公司法所保护的利益是确定公司章程自治边界的原则。其中,自益类事项,应属于公司章程自治的范畴;而他益类事项,则要受到公司法的管制。以公司法规范的类型为标准对公司章程自治的边界进行确定,确权性规范应以强制性规范为主,运营性规范应以非强制性规范为主,保障性规范亦应以强制性规范为主。以公司的类型为标准对公司章程自治的边界进行确定,有限责任公司章程的自治空间相对较大。 It needs to follow certain principle and standard to define the limit of autonomy of constitution of company.The benefit protected by company law is the principle of defining the limit of autonomy of constitution of company.The self-benefit matters should belong to the scope of autonomy of constitution of company,and the other benefit matters will be constrained by company law.The type of norms of company law can be used as a standard of defining the limit of autonomy of constitution of company.The norms of establishing right are mainly mandatory norms,the operating norms are mainly non-mandatory norms,and the norms of protecting right are mainly mandatory norms,too.The type of company can also be used as a standard of defining the limit of autonomy of constitution of company.The autonomous space of constitution of limited liability company is wider than that of joint stock limited company.
作者 李裕琢
出处 《哈尔滨商业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第1期106-108,123,共4页 Journal of Harbin University of Commerce:Social Science Edition
基金 黑龙江省远程教育学会科学研究"十一五"规划课题(115YG-011)
关键词 公司章程自治 边界 原则 标准 autonomy of constitution of company limit principle standard
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  • 1[德]卡尔·拉伦茨 王晓晔译.《德国民法通论》[M].法律出版社,2003年版.第598页.
  • 2[德]托马斯·莱塞尔.《德国资合公司法》[M].法律出版社,2005年版.第506-507页.
  • 3[美]M.V.艾森伯格.《公司法的结构》.张开平译.《商事法论集》(第3卷),法律出版社,1999年版,第391页
  • 4See Melvin A. Eisenberg,"The Structure of Coporation Law", 89 Colum. L Rev. ,1989.
  • 5[加]布莱恩.R.柴芬斯.《公司法:理论、结构和运作》,林华伟,魏旻译.法律出版社.2001年版,第234-238页.
  • 6[德]卡尔·拉伦茨前引书,第42页.
  • 7Roberta Romano, Answering the Wrong Question: The Tenuous Cases for Mandatory Corporate Laws, 89 Colum.L. Rev., 1989, p. 1599.
  • 8Bernard Black made a similar argument, see also Bernard Black, Is Corporate Law Trivial?: APolitical and Economic Analysis, 84 Nw. U. L. Rev. , 1990,'p. 835.
  • 9[加]布莱恩.R.柴芬斯前引书,第255、261页.
  • 10[美]M.V.艾森伯格前引文,第403-413页.





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