
城市创新系统的关键因素及其影响机制--基于全球436个城市数据的结构化方程模型 被引量:89

The Key Factors and Mechanism of City Innovation System——Based on the SEM with the Data of 436 Sample Cities Worldwide
摘要 城市的科技创新能力是一个城市获得持续竞争力的基础,但科技创新活动本身是一项复杂的系统工程。廓清城市创新系统因素的内部结构与作用路径机制,对制定和实施相关政策措施,提升城市的科技创新能力至关重要。本文采用结构化方程构建城市的创新系统结构模型,进行城市创新系统中的变量作用分析及影响机制研究,并基于路径系数权重实现全球城市科技创新能力的排名。区别于以往结论,本次研究发现公共制度、内部平台是最重要变量,通过多种途径影响城市创新能力;在全球化背景下,城市全球联系对城市创新能力具有比较积极的正面影响;城市的创新能力最终是通过创新影响因素的相互协同作用形成的。这些结论对相关决策部门制定提升城市科技创新能力的公共政策具有重要参考意义。 City's ability of science and technology innovation is the basis for its sustained competitiveness,However,innovation activity is also complicated system engineering.It is significant to describe the structure and mechanisms of innovation factors to enhance the city's ability of science and technology innovation.In this paper,structural equation method is used to construct the structural model of city's innovation system.Then the paper gives the analysis on the different effects of variables as well as their mechanism and ranks the 436 global cities about their innovation ability based on weight figured out from path coefficient.Different from previous conclusion,the paper finds that the factors,such as public system and global connection,have the largest effect on innovation ability and coordination of different policies also affect the ability greatly.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期16-25,共10页 China Industrial Economics
关键词 城市 创新系统 结构模型 city innovation system structural model
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