目的:利用多管发酵法检测泸州市长江,沱江以及市面上可以购买的饮用水和自来水中的大肠菌群的数量,以对不同水样的大肠菌群污染情况做出初步的判断。方法:利用多管发酵法,分别对长江水,沱江水,瓶装矿泉水,桶装纯净水和自来水根据《中华人民共和国国家标准生活饮用水标准检验法》(GB/T5750.12-2006)中有关大肠菌群的检测方法与指标对上述水样进行检测。通过记录阳性管数并查最大可能数表(MPN)查出不同水样中大肠菌群的可能含量。结果:长江水,沱江水中检出大肠菌群数量很大,而自来水,瓶装水,桶装饮用水100 mL未检出。结论:长江、沱江水中大肠菌群属于污染状态,不适宜直接饮用,市面上销售的瓶装水、桶装纯净水以及自来水在大肠菌群的检查上是合格的。
Objective:To detect the number of coliform group in the water of Yangtze River,Tuojiang River,drinking water on the market sale and tap water by the multiple-tube fermentation technique for making a preliminary assessment on the pollution condition of coliform group in different waterbodies.Methods:According to the method and index associated with coliform group detection in the national standard of People's Republic of China,Standard Examination Method for Drinking Water(GB/T5750.12-2006),we detected the Yangtze River,Tuojiang River,bottled mineral water and barreled purified water respectively.By recording the number of positive tubes and checking the most probable number(MPN) in different water samples to identify the possible content of coliform group.Results:A large number of coliform group in the water of Yangtze River and Tuojiang River was detected,and there was no positive tubes in 100 mL of tap water,bottled mineral water and barreled purified water.Conclusion:The water in the Yangtze River and Tuojiang River is contaminated by coliform group,which is unsuitable for drinking directly.Bottled water and barreled purified water on the market sale as well as tap water are qualified in the detection of coliform group.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health