
露天矿山三维设计方法应用研究 被引量:13

Application research of three-dimensional design method in surface mine
摘要 针对传统露天矿山开采设计采用二维方式的不直观、低效率等缺点,提出了露天矿山的全三维设计方法.首先以矿业三维软件为平台创建矿床地质模型,利用统计学方法进行品位赋值,形成地质品位计算模型,在此基础上利用三维有限元计算方法进行开采境界边坡角及边坡台阶组合参数优化研究.借助境界圈定及三维排产程序进行采剥方案、生产规模、开采境界、边界品位等矿山关键决策项目的整体优化,最后根据优化结果布置开拓系统,实现露天矿山的设计流程全三维化.将该方法在某矿山设计中进行了应用,结果表明,基于三维可视化的设计方法具有工作效率高、计算精准的优点,有较强的应用推广价值. In hoping to overcome the shortcomings of the unintuitive and inefficient defects in tra- ditional two dimension approach, this paper proposed a three dimension design method for open pit mine. Firstly, it created a deposit geological model with three-dimensional mine software, assigned the grade by using geo statistical method, and then obtained geological grade model. On this basis, using 3D finite element method, the study on optimizing the slope angle of mining limit and combining parameters of slope bench was performed. And in the virtue of limit definition and 3D schedule procedure, the integral optimization of the whole system in the aspects of deposit schedule, production scope, mining limit and limit grade was achieved. Finally, according to the optimization result, the development system was arranged properly, and three dimensions design of the full flow was realized. Through applying the approach in one mining design, the result shows that three dimensional visuaIization method has the advantages of high efficiency, precise calculation, and strong application value.
出处 《工程设计学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期48-52,共5页 Chinese Journal of Engineering Design
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2007BAK22B04-12)
关键词 露天矿山 三维设计 矿床模型 整体优化 surface mine three-dimensional design deposit model integral optimization
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