
新兴大国的自主创新道路——以“金砖四国”为例的研究 被引量:3

On the Independent Innovation Road of Emerging Great Powers——as BRICs an Example
摘要 新兴大国面临着推动经济持续增长和转型的任务,走自主创新道路是一种必然选择。进入新世纪以来,"金砖四国"的增长竞争力在上升,除俄罗斯外的三国创新能力也在上升。应该借鉴发达国家的成功经验、新兴大国的实践经验,从创新主体、创新内容和创新环境上构建自主创新道路的框架,并致力于完善创新机制、掌握关键核心技术、发展战略性新型产业和加强国际技术合作交流。 Emerging great powers are facing the tasks of promoting sustainable economic growth and transformation.It is necessary to explore the independent innovation road.Since the 21st century,the growth competitiveness of the BRICs is rising,and their innovation ability is increasing except Russia.We should learn from the successful experience of the developed countries,practical experience of the emerging great powers.The paper provides an independent innovation framework from innovation subject,innovation contents and environment with a view to perfecting innovation mechanism,grasping key technology,developing strategic new industry and strengthening international technology cooperation.
作者 欧阳峣
机构地区 湖南商学院
出处 《湖南商学院学报》 2011年第1期5-10,共6页 Journal of Hunan Business College
基金 国家软科学研究计划重大项目<新兴大国的自主创新道路>(编号:2010GXS1D034) 教育部人文社科规划基金项目<大国经济的特征 机理及模式研究>(编号:10YJA790141)
关键词 新兴大国 自主创新 宏观思路 政策框架 emerging great powers independent innovation macroscopic thoughts policy framework
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