
力学损伤香蕉的外观品质演变特性研究 被引量:1

The Evolution of Appearance Quality Characteristics of Banana with Mechanical Damage
摘要 试验研究成熟香蕉受不同压载强度作用损伤表面的硬度、色差、果体损伤等外观品质随放置时间的演变特性。结果表明,损伤后香蕉随放置时间的增加,单位硬度的降低与压载强度呈较显著的相关性,相对色差的DL、Da、Db值改变与压载强度相关性较弱,只表现较为明显的趋势性,高强度均匀的面压载作用对香蕉的整体品质变化影响强于集中点压载的作用,轻微强度均匀的面压载作用与无压载自然放置性能接近,利于减轻香蕉贮存、运输过程的力学损伤,延长其生理寿命。 The results showed that with the increasing of storage time after damage,its unit hardness reduction had relatively significant correlation with compressive pressure,but the relative values of color difference DL,Da,Db had small correlations,but showed significant tendency.The effect of uniform surface compressive load with high pressure on the overall quality of banana was stronger than that of the concentrated point compressive load,but the effect of uniform surface compressive load with minor pressure on banana performance was close to that of natural storage without compressive load,which helped to reduce the mechanical damage in banana in the storing and transporting process and prolong its physical lifetime.
出处 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期194-199,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31071583) 广东省自然利学基金资助项目(845106420100873 9251064201000009)
关键词 香蕉 力学损伤 品质演变 banana mechanical damage evolution of quality
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