
置入人工心脏起搏器并发症及处理 被引量:22

The analysis and treatment of pacemaker complication
摘要 目的 探讨置入起搏器后的并发症和处理方法,以及射频消融术对起搏器的影响。方法 自1980 年~1997 年3 月共置入人工心脏起搏器415 例次,发生起搏器并发症86 例次(20.7% )。置入起搏器后的并发症以术后感染和电极移位各占起搏3.9% ,电极移位以心房电极移位为主。1992 年后在同一切口安放电极和起搏器的35 例中,无1 例发生感染。2 例起搏器术后心房纤颤并心衰患者,经射频消融房室结形成完全性房室传导阻滞,术后继续起搏治疗,心功能恢复正常。未发现射频电流对起搏器和电极的损伤。结果 置入起搏器后对快速性心律失常再行射频消融术仍是一种安全。 cases of permanent pacemaker implantation had be performed from 1980 to 1997 among them 86 cases of postopertive complications occured (20 7%), which predominated by infection (3 9%) and electrode displacement (3 9%) The main cause of electrode displacement was hypopexia No infection occured among the 35 cases with the catheters and pacemakers implanted at the identical incision after 1992 Complete AVB occured in 2 cases while Radiaofrequency catheter ablation were performed for postoperative atrial fibrillation accompanied by cardiac failure, but their cardiac function recovered after repeating No undesirable impact on pacemakers and catheters caused by Radiofrequency catheter ablation was found The results remind that Radiofrequency catheter ablation is a safe and effective method in high speed arrhythmia treatment with pacemaker implantation
出处 《中国介入心脏病学杂志》 1999年第3期113-114,共2页 Chinese Journal of Interventional Cardiology
关键词 人工起搏器 并发症 处理 心律失常 Cardiac pacing, artificial Complication
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  • 3团体著者,中国介入心脏病学杂志,1995年,3卷,1期,44页
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