
基于主客观权重一致的导弹保障性评价 被引量:9

Missile Supportability Evaluation Based on Consistency of Subjective Weight and Objective weight
摘要 针对主观赋权法和客观赋权法的特点,以最小二乘法为工具,建立了确定指标权重的优化模型,使指标的赋权达到主观与客观的统一,并确立了导弹装备保障性评价指标体系,通过确定正负理想解,计算了各方案对正负理想解的相对贴近度,从而确定了各方案的优劣次序。 Aimed at the characteristic of the subjective and objective weight method,the optimization model of the index weight was established by the partial least square method.In the paper,it established the index system of the missile supportability evaluation,and calculated the relative degree of approximation for each scheme by means of determining positive-negative ideal solution.The result can provide a decision reference for determining the rank of each solution.
出处 《四川兵工学报》 CAS 2011年第3期9-12,共4页 Journal of Sichuan Ordnance
关键词 导弹保障性 主观赋权法 客观赋权法 正负理想解 missile supportability subjective weight objective weight positive-negative ideal solution
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