

On Huang Dao-Zhou's Military Thought Based on the Study of His "Memorial to the Throne"
摘要 明末名臣黄道周虽没有完整系统的军事著作,但以一介书生积极参与军国大计,多次上疏,要求改革朝政,整顿军事,在军饷、兵制、练兵、用兵、选将等方面提出许多独到的军事主张,试图实现其强兵济民、巩固明王朝统治的治国理想。在民族危亡之际,黄道周毅然出师抗清,进行了短暂的军事实践,最后以身殉国。虽然其军事思想与行动最终未能挽救明王朝覆亡的命运,但其历史意义和理论价值是值得肯定的。 Famous official of Ming Dynasty-Huang Dao-zhou didn't write a complete military works,but he actively participated in national military plans.He repeatedly presented his Memorial to the throne,requiring the reform on imperial government and consolidation of military management.He put forward many unique ideas about soldiers' pay and provisions,military system,military training,and generals-election,etc to strength the army and protect the people as well as to consolidate the rule of Ming Dynasty.When the nation was in peril,Huang Dao-zhou resolutely resisted the Qing troops,and finally died for the nation.Although his military ideas and practice ultimately failed to save the fall of Ming Dynasty,their historical significance and theoretical value cannot be denied.
作者 石美莹
出处 《怀化学院学报》 2010年第12期41-43,共3页 Journal of Huaihua University
关键词 黄道周 奏疏 军事思想 Huang Dao-zhou memorial to the throne military thought
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