
分层粗糙面下方介质目标散射的快速算法 被引量:9

Fast calculation of EM scattering from layered rough surfaces with buried dielectric target
摘要 为快速获取分层粗糙面与下方介质目标的复合电磁散射特性,提出了一种基于前后向迭代算法(FBM)和双共轭梯度法(Bi-CG)的快速互耦迭代算法。推导了一维分层粗糙面与下方介质目标(二维散射问题)的耦合边界积分方程组,用FBM求解分层粗糙面的表面积分方程,而用Bi-CG求解目标的表面积分方程,目标和粗糙面的相互耦合作用通过更新两方程的激励项来迭代求解。应用该算法计算了下方存在介质目标时双层介质粗糙面的双站散射系数,与传统矩量法得到的结果相吻合,验证了该算法的正确性;分析了不同极化波入射时该算法的收敛性,讨论了目标尺寸和位置变化对双站散射系数的影响。 In order to study EM scattering from the layered rough surfaces with buried dielectric target,a fast cross coupling iterative approach combining the bi-conjugate gradient method(Bi-CG)and forward backward method(FBM)is presented in this paper.The boundary integral equations(BIEs)of both the induced currents on layered rough surfaces and target are derived at first.The BIEs of the layered rough surfaces and the target are solved by using FBM and Bi-CG respectively.The mutual effect between the rough surfaces and the target is achieved by using iterative calculation.In numerical simulations,the bistatic scattering coefficients are first validated by comparing the simulation results with the traditional MoM.Subsequently,the numerical simulations of scattering from a buried cylinder in layered rough surfaces are performed to investigate the relative importance and sensitivity of various physical parameters of dielectric target to bistatic scattering coefficients.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期336-342,共7页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 毫米波国家重点实验室基金项目资助(K200818)
关键词 分层粗糙面 复合散射 前后向迭代算法 双共轭梯度法 互耦迭代算法 layered rough surfaces composite target and rough surface model forward backward method bi-conjugate gradient method cross coupling iterative approach
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