
浙江省城市化与产业结构的灰色关联 被引量:1

An Analysis of the Gray Relationship Between Urbanization and Industrial Structure in Zhejiang Province
摘要 城市化水平的提高与产业结构的升级都是经济发展过程中的必然规律,并且两者相互影响、相互制约。运用灰色关联分析方法剖析浙江省城市化与产业结构之间的关联,得出浙江省城市化与服务业的关联性最大的结论。为此,首先要大城市规模,提高城市化质量,为服务业发展创造条件;其次,大力发展服务业,实现产业升级,提高城市化质量。 Upgrading urbanization and the industrial structure alike is an inevitable law in the course of economic development.This paper,through the use of an analysis method of gray relationship,analyzes the urbanization and industrial structure of Zhejiang Province,with a conclusion that urbanization and services industry are most closely related.Therefore,we should create conditions for the development of service industry by expanding cities and raising the quality of urbanization and at the same time,we should greatly develop service industry,upgrade service industry and raise the quality of urbanization.
作者 赵卫明
出处 《湖州师范学院学报》 2010年第6期82-85,89,共5页 Journal of Huzhou University
关键词 城市化 产业结构 灰色关联 urbanization industrial structure analysis of gray relationship
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