为探讨APGAR 问卷在我国应用的可行性,促进家庭为单位保健的具体化和操作化,利用APGAR 问卷对68 名脑血管病病人家庭功能进行了调查,对APGAR 问卷的效度和信度进行了评价。结果表明,整个问卷和各维度的Kappa( w) 均大于0-4 ;除适应度外,其他各维度和整个量表的Kappa( w) 均大于0-7 ,说明一致性极好,信度满意;病人患病前后APGAR问卷的总分和各维度得分均有显著性差异,家庭功能类型的构成亦有显著性差异。
family members of patients with cerebrovascular diseases were selected,and their family function status were measured by Family APGAR index.The validity of the tool was evaluated though comparing family function status after and before onset of disease patients suffered.For evaluation reliability of the tool,weighted Kappa was calculated.The results show that all Kappa(w) for APGAR and each component of the scales are above 0 7 except Kappa(w) for adaptation ,which is 0 5519.There are significant difference(P<0 01 for adaptation,partnership,gorwth;and P<0 05 for Affection and Resolve)between scores of APGAR after and before onset of disease.It is accepted with strong evidence that the reliability and validity of the tool is satisfied for evaluating family function of patients with cerebrovasular disease.
Chinese Journal of Public Health