应用微小切口去除睑部脂肪的技术进行睑部美容整形术98 例。在上睑,将小切口去脂技术与非切开法重睑术联合应用,增强了缝线法或埋线法重睑形成的稳定性。尤其适用于典型蒙古人种眼要求“西化”者。利用眶内脂肪小叶的滑动性,这种去脂技巧可以很容易的进行并较少合并出血,小切口的位置一般被设计在重睑标记线的内侧或外侧。这种去脂技巧也被用于下睑袋的整形术中,不同的是2 ~4mm 的小切口被设置在下睑结膜囊侧。这些微小切口均无需缝合。49 例受术者被随访,均获满意结果。本文介绍了此技术的优点,适应证选择和手术要点。
A defatting technique through a microincision have been used for aesthetic blepharoplasty in 76 cases of Oriental. The defatting technique, in upper eyelid, was combined with these non-incised supratarsal fold plasty so as to strengthen the stabilization of quilled suture method or buried sutrue method. This compound method is especially suitable for Orientals who desire to “westernize” their eyelid. The fat retained within the orbit by the fibrous septum orbitale was removed through a 2mm skin microincision. The position of microincision was designed on the mark line of supratarsal fold. This defatting technique can be completed easily utilizing the smothness of fat lobules with little concomitant bleeding. It had been used in the plasty of lower “lid-bag” too. The difference was that the microincision was designed at the conjunctival side of lower vault. The fat within these compartments was removed through 2~4mm conjunctival incision without the need of suturing. Fourty-nine cases were followed and all gave satistactory results. The advantages, choice of indication and main points of operation were introduecd in this article.
Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
Microincision, Defatting, BlepharoplastySTUDY OF THE CELL PROLIFERATION AND APOPTOSIS IN GLIOMAS$$$$ Zhao Jue, Zhang Zhishen (Department of Anatomy, Capital University of Medical Science, Beijing 100054) Abstract The purpose of this repo