
当代西方价值教育思潮的复兴及其原因 被引量:5

The Revival of Western Values Education in the New Millennium and its Reasons
摘要 近20年来,"价值教育"(Values Education)一词频频出现于西方学术讨论、政府文件、学校教育实践指导文件中,形成了一场声势浩大的当代西方价值教育思潮。当代西方价值教育复兴的原因主要有:教育与价值之间的关系在当代西方走向返本归真;社会发展与和谐诉求核心价值的引领;人的发展需要由价值引导走向全面与自由。 In the recent two decades,t he word of values education has been frequently seen in the western academic discussion, government documents, and school education practice guidance documents, which means that a massive movement of values education has appeared. The reasons for this values education movement are as follows: tinily,the relationship between education and values has come to the truth, secondly,the development and harmony of society need core values education, lastly, the free and all-round development of individuals call on values leadership.
作者 杨超
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期32-36,共5页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2009年度教育部青年专项课题<价值观多元背景下青少年核心价值观教育研究>(课题编号:EEA090423)
关键词 当代西方 价值教育 复兴 原因 the contemporary West values education renaissance reasons
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