Dyeing and Printing Industry Statistics highlight: 60.603 billion meter:in the year of 2010,the output of dyeing and printing fabrics of the above-designated sized enterprises reached 60.603 billion meter,increasing by 67.34%against 2005,with an annual rise of 10.85%. 303.545 billion yuan:in 2010,the above-designated sized enterprises realized a total output of 303.545 billion yuan,rising by 101.53%comparing with that in 2005,with an annul increase of 15.05%. 296.981 billion yuan:the sales of the abovedesignated sized enterprises reached 296.981 billion yuan,ascending by 101.97%against 2005,with an annual increase of 15.10%. 84.03%:domestic consumption of the abovedesignated sized enterprises arrived at 84.03%,rising by 18.75 percentage points comparing with that in 2005.
Generally speaking, the dyeing and printing industry in China, during the 11th Five-Year-Program period, has been experiencing a transform from the quantity growth mode to quality and efficiency growth mode.