

Effect of enamel matrix proteins combined with tetracycline on healing of replanted teeth
摘要 目的探讨釉基质蛋白和四环素联合局部应用对干燥脱位牙再植后愈合的影响。方法选取3只杂种犬的24颗离体干燥60m in的牙齿,随机分为三组,实验组A,8颗牙四环素液浸泡后牙根涂釉基质蛋白再植;实验组B,8颗牙牙根直接涂釉基质蛋白再植;对照组牙再植前不作其他任何处理,进行再植。12周后处死狗,取含牙骨块。经脱钙、切片、HE染色后,对牙根的愈合情况进行组织形态学评价。结果与实验组B和对照组比较,实验组A釉基质蛋白与四环素联合应用能显著地增加牙再植后牙周膜性愈合的数量(P<0.01),并减少炎性吸收(P<0.01)。结论釉基质蛋白联合四环素局部应用能减少干燥再植牙炎性吸收、促进牙周愈合。 Objective: To explore the effect of enamel matrix proteins(EMPS) and tetracycline(TET) on replanted teeth after extended dry time.Methds: A total of 24 teeth of 3 dogs were randomly alloted to experimental Group A/B and the control group for replantation after 60 min dry time.Seven days before all tested teeth were endodontically treated,experimental Group A were treated with TET and EMPs,experimental Group B were coated with EMPs only and the control group consisted of 8 roots that were replanted without any treatment.After 12 weeks,the dogs were killed and bone masses,including teeth,were prepared for histological evaluation.About 5um thick cross-sections of the roots and surrounding tissue taken every 500μm were evaluated for healing.Results:The teeth of experimental Group A with EMPs and TET showed significant increase in periodontal healing compared to teeth of the control group and the experimental Group B(P〈0.01).The inflammatory resorption of roots with EMPs and TET in experimental Group A was lower than that in the other groups(P〈0.01).Conclusion:Local application of EMPS and TET can increase the periodontal healing and decrease the inflammatory of replanted teeth after extended dry time.
出处 《泰山医学院学报》 CAS 2011年第1期9-12,共4页 Journal of Taishan Medical College
关键词 釉基质蛋白 四环素 牙再植 牙根吸收 牙周愈合 enamel matrix proteins(EMPs) tetracycline(TET) replantation root resorption periodontal healing
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