
经济管理的耗散结构观念 被引量:3

The Concept of Dissipative Structure in Economic Management
摘要 布鲁塞尔学派物理学家普列高津(Prigogine)1969年提出的耗散结构是一种远离平衡态的结构系统,在不可逆的过程中,通过不断地有控制地与外部环境交换能量和物质,降低其熵值。熵的概念是十九世纪提出的,比能量守恒定律要早,曾被看成是科学思想的巨大发现。熵代表一种状态函数,在热力学的封闭系统中,即不与外界交换能量和物质的条件下,其函数值将随过程单调地增加,当达到热力平衡时,达到最大值。 For the recent ten years, along with the enforcement in China of the policy of reforming and opening to the outside world, theories and methods of modern western management have been introduced and brought in from time to time. It may be noticed that Cybernetics, Theory of System, and Information Theory have exercised significant influence upon developing the theory and methods of modern management People are also aware that the emergence of Synergetics, Catastrophe Theory, and Dissipative Structure Theory, i.e. the so-called Three New Theories, will inevitably yield further far-reaching effect on the development of management sciece. This article attempts to employ Dissipative Structure Theory in carrying out preliminary discussions on problems such as equilibrium of economic management in China, conditions to transform systematic energy, criterion of organizational development, control over systematic energy input, function coupling of management and workers, and so forth.
作者 范煦
机构地区 上海交通大学
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 1989年第1期106-110,共5页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
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