
基于多层次模糊综合评价法的我国智能电网风险评价 被引量:35

The Risk Assessment of China′s Smart Grid Based on Multi-Level Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method
摘要 介绍了智能电网风险评估的综合指标体系,该体系包括金融风险、技术风险、安全风险、管理风险以及外部风险等5个方面的一级指标以及相对应的二级指标,重点分析了智能电网面临的技术风险和安全风险。将层次分析法与模糊评价法相结合,获得各层因素的权重和综合风险评价矩阵,并结合实例分析,对目前我国智能电网的风险进行了分析。 This paper proposes a comprehensive risk assessment index system for China's smart grid,including five first-level indicators such as financial risk,technical risk,security risk,management risk and external risk.Every indicator includes specific subfactors.The technical risks and security risks for smart grid are emphatically analyzed.The paper integrates AHP with Fuzzy evaluation method,through the weight of each layer and the risk assessment matrix determined.Practical case study shows that the current smart grid industry in China has a higher level risk.
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2011年第4期535-539,共5页 East China Electric Power
关键词 智能电网 风险评价 层次分析 模糊综合评价法 smart grid risk assessment analytic hierarchy process(AHP) fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method
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