
HA-n-ZrO_2核壳层复合陶瓷微粉材料的制备与表征 被引量:1

Fabrication and characterization of core-shell HA-n-ZrO_2 composite ceramic powders
摘要 采用水热-沉积原位分步反应法,制备了羟基磷灰石(HA)-氧化锆(ZrO2)复合微粉,采用XRD和TEM对复合微粉的物相、形貌和大小进行了表征。对复合微粉进行模压成型、热处理制备了复合陶瓷试样,并测试其力学性能。结果表明:所得复合微粉以纳米级四方相ZrO2为"核心",逐层包覆HA,形成核-壳层结构(HA-n-ZrO2);复合微粉也呈纳米尺度,且晶化度良好,随着HA含量的增加,包覆层逐步加厚。复合微粉中HA质量分数由0增大至100%时,所得成型陶瓷的抗弯强度和平均维氏硬度分别由183 MPa降至61 MPa以及781.75 MPa降到131.76 MPa,表明ZrO2的存在对于增大陶瓷体的力学性能确能起到"核心"关键作用。 Hydroxyapatite-zirconia composite powders were prepared using the hydrothermal-deposition in-situ stepwise reaction method.The XRD and TEM were employed to characterize the phase,morphology and size of the resulting powders.The composite ceramic samples were fabricated via moulding and thermal treatment of the composite powders.The results show that the as-synthesized powders with nanosize are composed of well-crystallized tetragonal phase ZrO2 core clad with hydroxyapatite shells to fabricate the core-shell structure(HA-n-ZrO2).With the increase of HA mass fraction from 0 to 100%,the as-clad HA shells get thicker gradually,but the bending strength and the mean Vickers hardness of the resulting ceramic samples moulded by the composite powders become lower from 183 MPa to 61 MPa and 781.75 MPa to 131.76 MPa,respectively.
出处 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期170-173,共4页 Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21076063) 河南省科技攻关项目(0524240014 102102210170)
关键词 四方相氧化锆 羟基磷灰石 复合陶瓷 水热 力学性能 t-zirconia hydroxyapatite composite ceramics hydrothermal mechanical properties
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