
用硅铝废渣制备4A沸石及其表征 被引量:6

Synthesis and characteristics of 4A zeolite from Si-Al slag
摘要 以硅铝废渣为原料,采用低温水热合成法制备4A沸石.通过X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)为手段,来考察反应体系组分、反应温度、反应时间对制备4A沸石的影响.结果表明,在n(SiO2)/n(Al2O3)=2,n(Na2O)/n(SiO2)=0.7,n(H2O)/n(Na2O)=43,晶化温度90~100℃,反应时间6 h的条件下合成纯度较高的4A沸石. Zeolites 4A was prepared successfully by low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis,using cheap Si-al slag as raw materials.The effects of treatment conditions,including reaction components,operating temperature and hydrothermal reaction time were investigated through XRD and SEM.The results illustrate that the optimal synthetic conditions for 4A zeolites and follows: n(SiO2)/n(Al2O3)=2,n(Na2O)/n(SiO2)=0.7,n(H2O)/n(Na2O)=43,under the reaction temperature at 90—100 ℃ for 6 h.
出处 《武汉工程大学学报》 CAS 2011年第5期59-66,共8页 Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50874081) 国家自然科学重点基金项目(50834006)
关键词 4A沸石 硅铝废渣 低温水热方法 4A zeolites Si-Al slag low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis
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