
论17世纪英国的济贫法制度 被引量:1

On the English Poor Law System in the 17th Century
摘要 17世纪是英国济贫法制度开始实施的时代。圈地运动、物价上涨与资产阶级革命的爆发,使得17世纪英国的贫困和流民问题严重化,1601年济贫法构成了这一世纪英国济贫法制度的法律基础,17世纪前期英国的济贫法救济逐步扩大并关注流民、贫民的管理与救助,济贫税开始推行,但范围有限,济贫法管理发生变化;17世纪后期,英国的济贫法救济提供现金、衣物、住房与医疗救济,劳动救济和济贫法管理受到高度重视并采取多种方式。 Poor Law was put into effect since 17th century in England. The problems of poverty and vagrancy were serious because of the enclosure movement, rising price and beginning of revolution in England. The Poor Law in 1601 was the base of the poor relief system of this century. During the earlier stage of the 17th century, the poor relief system focused on the management of the pauper and vagrant. Poor relief tax was carried out in a limited scope. The management of the Poor Law began to change. Cash, cloth, house and medical relief were provided for paupers during the later period of this century. The working aid and management of the Poor Law were put on the very important role in the poor relief system in England.
作者 丁建定
出处 《社会工作》 2011年第8期4-8,共5页 Journal of Social Work
关键词 济贫法制度 济贫法实施 济贫法管理 the Poor Law Implement of the Poor Law Managementof the Poor Law
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