
单一裂隙动水注浆扩散模型 被引量:51

A model for grouting into single fracture with flowing water
摘要 通过理论推导建立了单一裂隙动水注浆扩散模型,用计算机对单一裂隙动水注浆扩散模型进行编程和分析,试验验证该注浆扩散模型是合理的。研究结果表明,单一裂隙动水注浆在注浆前期浆液扩散面积呈圆形而在注浆后期浆液扩散面积呈椭圆形;浆液扩散半径与浆液黏度成反比,与裂隙开度和注浆压力成正比;水流流动有利于浆液沿顺水流方向扩散而抑制浆液沿逆水流方向扩散;水流流速增大或减小到一定程度时浆液扩散半径受水流流速的影响程度将逐渐减小;水流流动对逆水流方向扩散半径的影响程度大于顺水流方向扩散半径的影响程度;浆液扩散半径受水流流速影响最大,受裂隙开度影响次之,受注浆压力和浆液黏度的影响相对较小。 A mathematical model for grouting into a fracture with flowing water is derived and validated by a model test and calculation.The results show that grout propagation shape is round in prophase of grouting;and it is elliptic in anaphase of grouting.Penetration radius is in inverse proportion to viscosity and is in direct proportion to the opening of fracture and grouting pressure.Water flowing is propitious to propagation downstream the current and restrained the propagation against the current.The influence of velocity will gradually reduce when it increase or decrease to a certain value.And the influence of velocity on the penetration length against the current is greater than on that of downstream the current.Velocity of flow has the most important effect on penetration radius;and the opening of fracture takes the second place.Grouting pressure and viscosity have less influence on penetration radius.
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1659-1663,1689,共6页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(No.41072237) 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室开放基金资助(No.SKLGDUEK0903) 高等学校博士学科学科点专项科研基金资助课题(No.20100095110015)
关键词 裂隙 注浆 动水 注浆模型 模型试验 rock fracture grouting flowing water grouting model model test
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