
要素市场不完全视角下的高技术产业创新效率——基于三阶段DEA-Windows的内外资配置效率和规模效率比较 被引量:40

High-tech innovation efficiency under the condition of incomplete factor market——on the perspective of scale and allocation efficiency based on three-stage DEA-window
摘要 考虑中国要素市场不完全的特征,从"技术最优"和"成本最小"两个维度构建了一个引入要素价格信息的创新效率指标,并利用三阶段DEA-W indows方法测度1996-2008年四位码高技术产业内、外资部门的相对效率差异,分解出规模效率和配置效率,在此基础上得出要素市场不完全下中国高技术产业创新效率的特点:第一,创新效率主要受制于低配置效率,创新研发效率主要受制于低规模效率,而且有极强的内生性;第二,内、外资部门创新效率的差别主要在配置效率上,创新研发效率的差别主要在规模效率上,研发效率和纯技术效率差异不显著;第三,外部环境、主要是政府政策支持在提高研发效率的同时却以配置效率的损失为代价。因此,应注重"市场"维度、发挥要素市场在高科技产业科技资源配置中的基础作用,政府支持高技术产业技术创新的政策需要在研发效率提高与配置效率损失之间权衡,确保创新效率最大化。 Considering characteristics of incomplete factors market this paper constructs an innovation economic efficiency with the element of price information,realizing innovation measure of "technology optimal" and "cost optimal" two dimensions in different departments((1996-2008 panel data.),then decomposed them into scale and allocation efficiency.Results show the features of Chinese high-tech industry innovation efficiency clearly: First,Innovation efficiency mainly constrained by low allocation efficiency,at the same time innovative RD efficiency mainly constrained by low scale efficiency.These constrains both have greatly strengthened endogenous.Second.the efficiency difference of domestic and foreign departments mainly in allocation efficiency and scale efficiency.Third,the external environment,especially the government policy significantly improving RD efficiency with the cost of allocation efficiency.Therefore,on the one hand we should pay more attention on the "market" dimension,strengthen the basic role of factor market in the resources allocation of high-tech industries.on the other hand,the government support policy needs to be negotiated between RD efficiency improvement and allocate efficiency loss in order to maximize the innovation efficiency.
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期930-938,960,共10页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70772087) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项经费资助(DUT10ZD107)
关键词 创新效率 规模效率 配置效率 三阶段DEA-Windows 高技术产业 innovation efficiency scale efficiency allocation efficiency three-stage DEA-windows high-tech
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