
我国终末期肾病现状及透析技术的应用、费用及支付情况分析 被引量:139

Epidemiological features of the end-stage renal disease and the application,cost and payment of dialysis care in China
摘要 终末期肾病是世界范围的重大公共卫生问题。近年来我国终末期肾病发病率增幅较大,给国家、社会和患者个人带来了较大的经济负担。本文对中国终末期肾病流行现状及两种透析治疗方法(即血液透析和腹膜透析)的技术应用、费用和支付情况做出分析,并提出相关政策建议:建立全国或地方肾病登记制度,进行终末期肾病的流行病学监测;规范两种透析治疗的临床应用;鼓励研究机构开展两种透析治疗的经济学评价和技术评估研究,为协助医保部门制定适宜的支付方式提供实证基础,同时也为卫生部门制定有关政策提供证据。 End-stage renal disease(ESRD) is a world-wide major public health issue.In recent years ESRD incidence in China has a huge increase,which has brought great economic burden on the government,society and individual patients.This paper analyzes epidemiological features of the ESRD in China and the application,cost and payment of two dialysis methods(namely,hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) in China,to provide policy recommendations and to point out directions for further studies.As recommended by the paper,relevant administrative agencies and departments should strengthen epidemiological surveillance of ESRD and standardize the clinical application of two dialysis methods;meanwhile,research institutions should launch economic evaluation and technology assessment studies on the two dialysis methods.
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 2011年第5期29-33,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
基金 卫生部医政司资助项目(04063)
关键词 终末期肾病 经济负担 血液透析 腹膜透析 支付 End-stage renal disease Economic burden Hemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis Payment
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