
框架效应对体育教育专业学生篮球裁判决策行为的影响研究 被引量:1

Effect of Framework on Basketball Referee Decision-making Behavior of Students with Physical Education Major
摘要 本研究旨在探讨正负信息呈现方式与体育教育专业学生篮球裁判决策行为的关系,从心理层面揭示学生篮球裁判的心理特征,为体育教育专业学生篮球裁判培养提供借鉴和参考。研究表明:学生篮球裁判在不同的信息呈现下的决策会出现明显的框架效应,且与普通院系学生之间存在显著性的差异。 This paper tries to investigate the positive and negative information presentation and physical education specialty students'basketball referee the decision -making behavior of relation, reveal the psychological character- istics of students" basketball judges from the psychological level, and provide the reference for cultivating the student' s basketball referee with physical education major. The result shows that the student' s basketball referee in different information presents decision may appear obvious framework effect, and has the significant differences with the ordinary college students.
作者 刘亮 熊友明
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2011年第7期66-66,118,共2页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 框架效应 学生 篮球 裁判 决策 行为 framework effect student basketball referee decision - making behavior
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