The dynamic behaviour of gear system in aeroengine has an importantinfluence on the reliability of aircraft. Hidaka [3] and Boyd[4] have solved theequations of motion of planetary gearing by numerical method, but it involvestedious and complicated computation. The load equalization on each branch isanother important problem of planetary gearing which has been calculated andexperimentaly measured by Hayashi [1] and Yanaba [2], but only for staticconditions. Up to now, the two problems just mentioned require separate solu-tions and separate computer programs. It is believed that this paper succeeds inits attempt to overcome the various shortcomings just mentioned. In this paper, the Fourier method presented by Kubo [5] for a simple gearsystem has been considerably improved, and used to deal with planetary gearsystem. The authors have found that proceeding as Kubo did would lead to a crit-erion for planetary gearing that is too difficult to use to judge a system as complexas planetary gearing. A new method of derivation has been developed to avoidgetting something like Kubo's criterion. Then the analytical solution can be ob-tained conveniently with new derivation, and calculation can be considerablysimplified. By using this approach, the vibration and dynamic load distribution on eachbranch, the floating locus of sun gears, the influences of various kinds of run-out errors, and exciting function of tooth errors require just one solution andone computer program.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University