

Hazard Assessment of Geological Disasters in Zhongmu New Settlement of the Middle Route in the South-to-north Water Transfer Project
摘要 南水北调丹江口库区郑州中牟移民点处于黄河冲积扇平原区,地震活动水平低,根据地质灾害危险性级别判定标准、评分标准、分级标准以及建设场地适宜性标准,判定评估区现状无地质灾害,为建设场地适宜区.该区域地层岩性以砂性土层为主,工程建设可能遭受的地质灾害主要是地面不均匀沉陷和砂土液化. Zhengzhou Zhongmu settlement of Danjiangkou Reservoir migrants in the South-to-north Water Transfer Project is located in the alluvial plain of Yellow River,where the level of seismic activity is low.According to the hazard criteria,scoring criteria and grading standards of geological disasters as well as suitability standards for construction sites,the assessment area is judged that there aren't geological disasters under the status quo and is suitable for the construction site.Formation lithology of the area is dominated by the sandy soil,and the construction would mainly suffer geological disasters of uneven ground subsidence and sandy soil liquefaction.
出处 《华北水利水电学院学报》 2011年第3期78-81,共4页 North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power
关键词 地质灾害 危险性 评估 地震液化 geological disaster hazard assessment earthquake liquefaction
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