目的 用 K -ε和 K - W湍流模型及亚格子涡模型进行湍流射流的数值模拟 .方法采用 4步 Runge- Kutta方法离散时间导数项 ,3阶 ENO格式离散对流通量项 ,中心差分格式离散粘性通量项 ,数值求解 Reynolds平均可压缩 N- S方程 .结果 不同湍流模型都取得与实验比较一致的结果 .结论 用 K- ε和 K- W湍流模型封闭 Reynolds平均可压缩 N- S方程组能较正确地反映射流的湍流特性 .
Aim To simulate turbulent jet with two equation turbulent models K ε,K W and subgrid vortex model. Methods The four step Runge Kutta was used to discretize temporal derivative terms. The high resolution third order ENO was applied to discretize convective terms and the central difference was used to discretize viscous terms. The system of Reynolds averaged compressible N S equations was solved numerically. Results Numerical results of three turbulent models are fairly in agreement with experimental data. Conclusion The two equation turbulent models K ε,K W can be used in simulation of turbulent jet.
Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology