
文化地理学研究方法及学科影响 被引量:54

On the Research Framework and Methodologies of Cultural Geography
摘要 文化地理学是人文地理学的一个分支学科,经过近90年的发展,逐步形成了稳定的学科研究框架及研究方法。本文基于对新旧文化地理学的教科书、经典著作、代表性文章的初步归纳,梳理出了有关文化地理学的4个方面内容:第一,文化地理学的核心概念为"文化区"和"地方";第二,围绕核心概念,文化地理学的研究框架可分为两部分:文化区和地方的形成机制研究以及文化区和地方的尺度间转换研究;第三,针对形成机制和尺度转换的研究,文化地理学分别有不同的研究方法论;第四,文化地理学核心概念可以为其他人文地理学分支提供学术支撑。 Cultural geography rose in 1920s .It is a branch of human geography. Cultural geography has developed its research framework and methodologies during its history of recent 90 years. Based on the textbooks, classics and representative articles, this paper has sorted out the following four topics. Firstly, the key concepts of the cultural geography are "cultural region" and "place"; Secondly, the research framework of cultural geography could be divided into two themes around the core concepts, which are formation mechanism research of cultural region or place and transformation research between scales of cultural region or place; Thirdly, different research methodologies relate to different research aims of cultural geography; Fourthly, the key concepts of cultural geography can provide academic support for other branches of human geography in some fields.
作者 周尚意
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 2011年第4期415-422,共8页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 科技部创新方法工作项目"地理学方法研究"(2007FY140800)资助
关键词 文化地理学 核心概念 研究框架 研究方法 cultural geography, key concepts, research framework, research methods
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