
基于EMD的海杂波特性与目标检测 被引量:6

The EMD-based sea clutter characteristics and target detection
摘要 非线性非平稳是海杂波的重要特性之一,希尔伯特-黄变换(HHT)是一种全新的非线性非平稳信号的分析方法。含有目标的雷达信号在希尔伯特-黄变换过程中经过经验模式分解(EMD)后,其趋势分量及部分固有模态函数分量与海杂波的具有明显的区别。利用这种区别,本文提出一种海杂波环境下的目标检测新方法——趋势检测法,通过实测海杂波计算验证,该方法能够明显改善淹没于海杂波中的慢速小目标检测能力。 One of the important characteristics of the sea clutters is non-linear and non-smooth,and Hilbert-Huang Transform(HHT) is a new method of analyzing the non-linear and non-smooth signals.After the Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD) in the HHT for radar target signals,it is obvious that the Trend and part Intrinsic Mode Function components are different from those of the sea clutters,on the basis of which a new target detection method-Trend Function Detection under the background of the sea clutters is presented.The sea clutters are tested and calculated to verify that the method can obviously improve the detection capability for the low-speed small targets submerged in the sea clutters.
出处 《雷达与对抗》 2011年第2期1-4,共4页 Radar & ECM
关键词 雷达 目标检测 海杂波 希尔伯特-黄变换 经验模式分解 radar targets detection sea clutter Hilbert-Huang Transform Empirical Mode Decomposition
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