
构建公正的学校撤并程序——对民众参与度和满意度的实证调查 被引量:21

The Construction of Procedural Fairness on School Closure——Based on Empirical Investigation of Public Participation and Satisfaction
摘要 20世纪90年代中后期以来,我国启动了以撤点并校为主导模式的学校布局调整改革。基于对学校撤并过程中民众参与度和满意度的调查,本文探讨了学校撤并程序的公正问题。研究显示:在学校撤并决策过程中,广大居民、家长和教师参与率极低,部分群众对学校撤并效果不满意,低收入者和边远山区农民对学校撤并效果满意度更低。为回应民众需求,最大化地实现公共利益,我国亟需在学校布局调整决策机制上进行深刻变革,以构建公平正义的学校撤并程序。转变政府职能,理顺中央与地方权责关系,扩大民众参与,构建多元化利益表达机制,实施规范的学校撤并程序是改革的必由之路。 China has been launching school - layout adjustment reform since the mid - nineties of last century, with the dominant model of closing schools. Based on the survey of public participation and satisfaction, this paper discusses the fairness and justice of the school closing procedure. Research shows that : the residents' , parents' and teachers" participation rates are extremely low, some people are not satisfied with the effects of school closure, even worse , the satisfaction of low income earners and people in remote mountain areas are lower. In response to the public needs and to maximize public interest, a profound reform is urgently needed in decision - making mechanism of school layout and adjustment, in order to construct fair and justice school closing procedure. Transformation of government functions, straightening out the relationship between the central government and the local government, expanding public participation, constructing the multiplex interest expression mechanism and implementing standardized school closing procedure is the main direction of reform.
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期67-73,共7页 Global Education
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学重点课题"城镇化进程中的教育变迁研究"(课题准批号:AHA090003) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"义务教育学校布局问题研究"(项目编号:09JZD0035)的阶段性成果
关键词 学校撤并 撤并程序 程序正义 民众参与 利益表达 school closure closing procedure procedural fairness and justice public participation interest expression
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