为克服采用单片机或PLC来实现交通灯控制器的不足,在已有基于Verilog HDL硬件描述语言的交通灯设计的基础上,给出了一种基于Verilog HDL硬件描述语言的复杂交通指标灯设计;同时,选择XINLINX公司的FPGA芯片,采用ISE9.1i开发工具进行了程序的编译与功能仿真,实现了交通灯控制器的硬件电路描述。仿真结果验证了提出的设计方案的正确性,下载到在线可编程逻辑器件CPLD芯片,实现了相应的功能。
To overcome the disadvantages of the traffic light controller implemented by using Single Chip or PLC,based on the existing Verilog HDL-based design strategy for traffic light,in this paper,we introduce a design strategy by using Verilog HDL,and meanwhile compile the developed grogram and simulate the function of the traffic light by employing ISE9.1i development tool for FPGA Chip made by XINLINX Company.Further,the hardware description of the traffic light controller is implemented.The simulated results show the correctness of the newly design scheme,downloading corresponding codes into the on-line CPLD chip can implement a complicated traffic light.
Computer Programming Skills & Maintenance