
导静电PVC的研制 被引量:1

Study on PVC with Electrostatic-conducting Property
摘要 针对油品处理及爆破器材行业中的制件制具如爆炸品保险箱等的导静电与防撞击火花需求,开发出一种浸塑成型的导静电聚氯乙烯(PVC),并对其导静电性能进行了初步的研究。结果表明,在PVC浸胶液中加入抗静电剂后,经浸塑成型后包覆在制品表面的导静电PVC塑胶层,不仅能满足制件制具的导静电性能要求,使其保持永久的导静电性,而且还能有效防止使用过程中因撞击而产生的火花。 In order to meet the requirements in the oil-treating and dynamite equipment industries, electrostatic-conducting poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) was produced via dipping molding. When the articles were coated with electrostatic-conducting PVC, they possessed a permanent electrostaticconducting property, which could prevent the sparks caused by bumping. So the hazards of igniting and exploding were avoided effectively.
作者 袁毅 刘顺淑
出处 《中国塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期46-47,共2页 China Plastics
关键词 导静电性能 聚氯乙烯 塑胶层 爆破器材 油品处理 electrostatic-conducting property poty(vinyl chloride) plastics lay.er dynamite equipment oil treating
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