
试析魏玛德国劳资关系的演变——以8小时工作制的兴衰为中心 被引量:4

On the Change of the Industrial Relations in the Weimar Germany:The Case of the Eight-hour Working Day
摘要 在魏玛德国,劳资关系经历了从合作走向对立的演变历程。8小时工作制的兴衰正是这一演变历史的真实反映。魏玛初期,在革命压力与迅速复员的要求下,8小时工作制首次在德国确立,劳资关系趋于平衡。然而在1923年国家危机中,8小时工作制成为劳资之间的交锋对象,劳动时间紧急令打破了劳资关系的微妙平衡,国家强制调解机制的出现宣告劳资自由谈判历史的终结。此后,8小时工作制名存实亡,劳资关系日趋紧张,并最终在经济大萧条中迎来纳粹独裁。导致这种演变的主要因素是资本主义社会的经济特征、政治与经济形势的演变以及劳资双方对合作的认识局限。 The industrial relations in the Weimar Germany underwent a transformation from cooperation to opposition.The rise and fall of the eight-hour working day was the example.In the early period of the Weimar Germany,the eight-hour working day was established under the pressure from the revolution and demobilization,so that the industrial relations tended to maintain a balance.However,during the state crisis in 1923,the eight-hour working day was pushed down into the battlefield between employer and employee.As a result,the working day decree of 1923 destroyed the subtle balance in the industrial relations and the state compulsive mediation mechanism ended free negotiation in the industrial relations.Then the eight-hour working day disappeared in Germany,although its name was reserved.The industrial relations deteriorated and eventually fell into the Nazi dictation during the depression.The factors leading to such change were the followings:the fundamental contradiction in the capitalist society,the changing of the political and economic conditions,the limitation of the standpoints of the employer and employee in the cooperation.
作者 孟钟捷
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期48-58,158-159,共11页 World History
基金 上海教育发展基金会"晨光项目"(2007CG36) 上海重点学科建设项目(B406)
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