
腹泻患儿粪便A群轮状病毒抗原检测的结果分析 被引量:5

Results analysis of Rotavirus A antigen test in diarrhea stool
摘要 目的:了解本地区腹泻婴幼儿的A群轮状病毒感染情况及其流行特点。方法:采用胶体金法对我院2009年10月-2010年9月2104例有腹泻和肠炎特征的婴幼儿粪便进行A群轮状病毒抗原检测。结果:在2104例受检者中,A群轮状病毒感染的总阳性率是24.71%,其中男性感染率24.17%,女性为25.40%。不同年龄组间以1-2岁婴幼儿感染率最高,为32.13%,0-1岁为20.72%,2-5岁为12.03%。感染的季节特征是秋末冬初季(10-12月)阳性率最高,为42.82%,春末夏初季(4-6月)最低,为8.81%。结论:由A群轮状病毒感染引发的急性腹泻主要发生在1-2岁的婴幼儿,各个季节均有发生,以秋末冬初季为高发。 Objective: Diarrhea in infants and young children in the region group A rotavirus infection and epidemic characteristics. Methods: Colloidal gold method in our hospital in October 2009 -2010 in September 2104 cases of diarrhea and enteritis in infants feces feature group A rotavirus antigen detection. Results: 2104 cases of subjects who, A group of total positive rate of rotavirus infection was 24.70%, 24.17% infection rate in males, females 25.40%. Different age groups 1-2 years old the highest infection rate for 32.13%. 0-1 year-old was 20.72%, 5 years old was 12.03%. Autumn to early winter season is characterized by infection season (October to December) the highest positive rate was 42.82%, spring and early summer season (4-6 months) the lowest, 8.81%. Conclusion: The acute diarrhea caused by A rotavirus infection occurs mainly in infants and young children 1-2 years of age, have occurred in all seasons, to a high incidence of autumn to early winter quarter.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2011年第16期3117-3119,共3页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 小儿腹泻 A群轮状病毒 感染率 Diarrhea A rotavirus Infection rate
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