
二十世纪中后期美国聋人高等教育改革及其启示 被引量:6

The American Higher Education Reform for the Deaf in the Mid and Late 20th Century and Its Enlightenment
摘要 20世纪60年代末70年代初兴起的聋人高等教育改革是美国现代教育史上最引人注目的一次成功改革。这次改革在指导思想、具体操作和改革力度等方面都对我国现代聋人高等教育的发展有很大的启示。通过对改革的背景、目的、内容和结果的梳理反思,认为对我国当前聋人高等教育有三个方面的启示:以"公正公平"作为指导思想;努力实现高校互相支持和资源共享;建立有针对性的高校培养机制,以充分满足聋人需求。 The higher education reform for the deaf in the US in the 1970s was the most striking reform in the history of modem American education. The guiding ideology, the specific operation and the efforts in the reform achieve a great enlightenment on the higher education for the deaf in China. The article analyzes the back- grounds, purpose, content and results of the reform, and seeks the enlightenment on China's current higher edu- cation: using "fairness and equality" as the guiding ideology, endeavoring to achieve the purpose of mutual sup- port and resource sharing, and establishing a training system for the institutions of higher learning to cater to the needs of the deaf,
作者 刘颖
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期36-40,共5页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 聋人高等教育高等职业教育高校改革教育公平 higher education for the deaf higher vocational education higher education reform equity in education
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