
8种园林植物耐荫性与光合特性的研究 被引量:23

Photosynthetic and Shade-tolerance Characteristics of Eight Ornamental Plants
摘要 通过测定漳州地区8种园林植物叶片的形态特征、光合作用和光响应曲线,并对测定结果进行方差分析和相关分析,比较分析其耐荫程度。结果表明:试验的8个品种除黄金榕外,其它品种对弱光利用能力较强,具有较强的弱光适应能力;三角梅、锦绣杜鹃、红背桂等植物的耐荫性较强,在园林中可配置在比较郁蔽的林下;黄金榕和悬铃花是喜光植物,能适应较强的光辐射,耐荫能力相对较差,可以配置在林缘或疏林草地中,光照越足,黄金榕的叶色、悬铃花的花都会越鲜艳;花叶假连翘既有一定的耐荫能力,又能适应较强的阳光辐射,对光适应的生态幅度较宽,在园林配置中可根据需要进行布置。桂花和红背桂能更好的利用土壤水分,可配置在相对较干旱的地方。净光合速率Pn与其主要影响因子气孔导度Gs、胞间CO2浓度Ci、蒸腾速率Tr、叶温下蒸汽压亏缺VpdL、光合有效辐射PAR的相关性分析表明,种类不同,其影响因子也不一样,8种园林植物的Pn与Ci呈极显著负相关。此研究为园林中植物的配置提供了一定的理论依据。 The morphological characteristics of plant leaves,photosynthesis and light response were measured,the variance and correlation of the results were analyzed,and the extent of their shade-tolerance were compared for eight ornamental plants in Zhangzhou.The results showed that except for Ficus microcarpa cv.GoldenLeaves,the other varieties had a strong ability to use and adapt to low light.Bougainvillea spectabilis,Rhododendron pulchrum and Excoecaria cochinchinensis had a strong shade-tolerance,so they could be used under buzzed forest cover.Ficus microcarpa cv.GoldenLeaves,and Malvaiscus arboreus var.penduliflorus were photophilous plants,could adapt to a strong light radiation and had relatively poor shade-tolerant capability,so they could be used in forest edges or grasslands.The more light,the more colorful of the leaves of Ficus microcarpa cv.GoldenLeaves and Malvaiscus arboreus var.penduliflorus.Duranta repens’Variegata’had a wide light ecological suitabilty both in shade-tolerant and strong solar radiation,so they could be used in the ornamental layout without light restriction.Osmanthus fragrans and Excoecaria cochinchinensis could make better use of soil moisture,so they could be used in relatively dry areas.Correlation analysis of Pn and other main influencing factors Gs,Ci,Tr,VpdL,PAR showed that: different varieties had different impact factors.Pn and Ci of the eight ornamental plants were significantly related.This study provided a theoretical basis for the configuration of ornamental plants.
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 2011年第7期1249-1254,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 福建省教委科研基金资助项目(No.JB08185) 福建省科技创新平台建设项目(No.2008N2003)
关键词 园林植物 比叶面积 叶绿素含量 光合速率 耐荫性 Ornamental plant SLA Chlorophyll content Photosynthetic rate Shade tolerance
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