
区域电厂节能调度及经济补偿分析 被引量:4

Energy-efficient Scheduling and Economic Compensation Analysis for Region Grid
摘要 结合国内节能减排现状及火电厂发电配额的分配,调研了京津唐地区24个电厂的设备运行数据,改变原有按产能分配发电配额的制度,以能耗高低重新分配发电份额,通过对调研电厂运行小时负荷数(案例一)和日负荷曲线(案例二)的分析,经过数据归纳、计算,得到1小时省煤量和1天省煤量分别为364.65 t和3 043.786 t,并对参与调度的电厂进行了经济补偿,案例一共节省资金14万元,案例二共节省资金18万元,确证了节能调度的价值,并给出了具体的改进措施和建议。 In the light of the status of energy conservation and emission reduction in China and power allowance distribution in thermal power plants, combined with the equipment operating data from 24 plants in Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan region, we determines the power allowance distribution system which allocates the quota based on energy saving scale instead of the power generation. By means of summarizing and calculating the data, we acquires that the saving coal are 364.65 tons and 3 043.786 tons in one hour and one day respectively. We also give the economic compensation to the plants participated in dispatching. The first case saved RMB 140000 totally, while the second ease saved RMB 180000, which approved the value to implement energy-efficient scheduling. Finally, we propose the detailed improvement and suggestions.
出处 《陕西电力》 2011年第8期18-22,共5页 Shanxi Electric Power
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(09QG39)
关键词 发电配额 节能调度 节能减排 经济补偿 煤耗 power allowance energy-efficient scheduling energy emission reduction economic compensation coal consumption
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