通过回归正交试验法设计车削模拟方案,在Deform 3D软件中对车削进行了有限元仿真模拟。建立了车削中车削速度、进给量、背吃刀量与刀具磨损之间的回归方程,并进行了方差分析,验证了模型的可靠度。得出了金属切削过程中刀具磨损量随切削用量的变化规律。分析结果为车削工艺参数优化及建立车削数据库奠定了基础。
By means of the orthognal designs of regression turning simulation schemes,the turning by software of Deform 3D is simulated.A regression equation which between cutting parameter and tool wear is established.Analysis reliability of the model using variance analysis method.obtaining the tool wear change rule with the cutting parameter changed during turning process.The result lay the foundation for building turning database and optimizating cutting parameter.
Tool Engineering