
中国省域物流作业的CO_2排放量测评及低碳化对策研究 被引量:57

Study on the CO_2 Emission Evaluation of the Provincial Logistics Operation and Low-carbon Strategy in China
摘要 物流活动是主要碳排放源之一,是温室气体减排、缓解气候变化的重要领域,从省域层面对我国物流作业的碳排放量进行核算和比较分析,对于从宏观上掌控各省域物流作业碳排放量及省域物流作业节能减排目标确定具有重要的意义。本文首先给出了省域物流作业CO2排放量测量模型,测算了不同能源的CO2排放因子及排放系数。然后,以物流作业直接能耗法核算我国各省域2008年物流作业的CO2排放指标,包括各省域的CO2排放量和单位货物周转CO2排放量,对比分析发现:我国省域之间物流活动产生的CO2排放量存在着地域不平衡性,CO2排放量中东部大部分省域要高于西部省域,而单位货物周转CO2排放量西部大部分省域要高于中东部省域。最后,根据物流作业的特点,分别从发展低碳运输、探索物流作业的技术性减碳方法、实行精细化物流作业管理、建立完善的节能减排考核与激励约束机制、制定低碳物流作业标准与打造低碳物流示范企业等五个主要的方面,阐述了我国物流作业的低碳化对策,以期促进我国低碳物流的发展。 Being one of the main sources of carbon emissions, logistics activity is the important field of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and climate change mitigation. It is of significance to carry out the accounting and comparing analysis on the carbon emissions of the logistics operation in China from provincial region level for macroscopically controlling the carbon emissions and determining the energy saving and emission reduction targets of the logistics operation in each China' s provincial region (CPR). This paper firstly gives the measurement model on CO2 emissions of the logistics operation in CPR, calculates the CO2 emission factor and emission coefficient of different energies; then, it calculates the CO2 emission indexes of the logistics operation in CPR based on 2008' s statistic data using the Direct Energy Consumption Method, including the CO2 emission volume (CEV) and the CO2 emission volume per freight ton-kilometers (CEV-FTK). It is found that there exists regional imbalance of the CEV distribution of logistics operation among different CPR, the CEV in most of the east CPR is higher than that in the west CPR. Nevertheless, it is in contrary situation in terms of CEV-FTK. Finally, according to the characteristics of the logistics operation, the low-carbonization countermeasures from five main aspects are discussed respectively in order to promote the development of the low-carbon logistics in China, which includes developing low-carbon transportation, exploring the technical carbon reduction method of the logistics operation, implementing fine management of logistics operation, establishing perfect energy saving and emission reduction evaluation and incentive constraint mechanism, making low-carbon logistics operation standards and building the low-carbon logistics exemplary enterprises.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期81-87,共7页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:70872010) 江西省青年科学基金项目(编号:GJJ09485)
关键词 省域 低碳 物流作业 碳排放量 provincial region in China low carbon logistics operation carbon emission volume
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