
健康教育岗位设置对患者满意度的影响 被引量:3

Establishment of health-education-nurse post for promoting patient satisfaction
摘要 目的探讨提高健康教育效果及患者满意度的方法。方法将480例妇科手术患者分为观察组、对照1组和对照2组各160例。观察组设置专门的健康教育岗位,按照评估患者的教育需求-确定教育内容-选择教育方式-安排教育时机并落实-记录教育进程-以PDCA循环模式持续改进的教育路线进行实施。对照1组、对照2组按常规教育,均不专门设置健康教育岗位。结果观察组满意度评分显著高于对照1组、对照2组(均P<0.01)。结论设置健康教育岗位可提高患者满意度,提升医院护理服务质量。 Objective To improve health education effect and patient satisfaction.Methods Totally,480 patients undergoing gynecologic surgery were divided into 3 groups,with 160 cases in each group.The two control groups were given conventional health education,while the observation group were subjected to health education by establishing health-education-nurse post.Nurses implemented health education according to such procedures as assessing patients′ needs,identifying education contents,choosing education methods,arranging education schedule,recording education process,and using PDCA cycle for continuous improvement of education effect.Results The satisfaction score of the observation group was significantly higher than the 2 control groups(P0.01 for both).Conclusion Establishing health-education-nurse post can improve patient satisfaction and care quality.
出处 《护理学杂志》 2011年第18期83-84,共2页
基金 杨浦区卫生局科研基金资助项目(200808)
关键词 健康教育岗位 JCI标准 健康教育 患者满意度 health-education-nurse post Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards for Hospitals health education patient satisfaction
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