
抗感吡虫啉褐飞虱在不同水稻品种上的取食行为比较 被引量:2

Comparison of feeding behaviors of imidacloprid-resistant and-susceptible brown planthopper(BPH,Nilaparvata lugens Stl) on different rice varieties
摘要 采用刺探电位图技术(EPG)分别监测了抗吡虫啉和敏感吡虫啉褐飞虱种群在感虫品种TN1和抗虫品种IR36上的取食行为差异。结果发现,抗感吡虫啉褐飞虱在不同抗虫品种上均记录到7种典型波形(np,N1,N2,N3,N4-a,N4-b,N5波形)。在感虫品种TN1上,与敏感种群相比,抗吡虫啉褐飞虱种群刺探频率较高、持续时间较短、韧皮部汁液吸食时间较长,但木质部吸食时间无差异。在抗虫品种IR36上,抗性种群刺探频率较低、持续时间较短、木质部吸食时间长,但2个种群吸食韧皮部的时间均很短,几乎没有记录到。在抗虫品种上饲养一代后发现,抗性种群和敏感种群的刺探频率降低、持续时间减少,但在韧皮部中的吸食时间明显增加。 Feeding behaviors of imidacloprid resistant and susceptible populations of brown planthopper (BPH) on insect resistant (IR36) and susceptible rice (TN1) varieties were compared by electronic penetration graph technique (EPG). The results showed that seven typical waveforms (np, NI, N2, N3, N4-a, N4-b and N5 waveform) of imidacloprid-resistant and-susceptible BPH on different rice varieties were recorded during feeding. Compared with imidaeloprid-susceptible population, imidacloprid-resistant population showed higher probe frequency, shorter probe time, longer phloem sap ingestion periods in sensitive rice variety TNI. However, there was no significant difference between imidaeloprid-resistant and-susceptible BPH in the xylem sap ingestion periods. In resistant rice variety IR36, imidaeloprid-resistant BPH showed lower probe frequency, shorter probe periods and longer xylem sap ingest- ion periods, but there was no difference of phloem sap ingestion waveform in two BPH populations. After feeding on IR36 for one generation, probe frequency and probe periods decreased, whereas phloem sap ingestion periods increased in the two BPH populations.
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期924-931,共8页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30771411,30971918) 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(Y307125) 国家“十一五”科技支撑资助项目(2006-BAD08A04-03)
关键词 抗感吡虫啉褐飞虱 不同抗虫品种 刺探电位图 取食行为 imidaeloprid-resistant and -susceptible Nilaparvata lugens resistant rice varieties electronic penetra tion graph (EPG) feeding behavior
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