In the process of rapid teristics and historical and cultural urbanization, how to build an urban outdoor recreation meaning is a practical and significant issue worthy of space with local charac- further research. Understanding the meaning and value of urban space and the relationship between people and urban space is the prerequisite and basis for the construction of this kind of urban space. Place attachment, an emotional attachment to a certain place, is a kind of special phenomenon of man-land relationship and a hot topic of western recreation geography and environmental psychology. Residents' place attachment to urban recreational block research pro- rides a new perspective for understanding the relationship between residents and urban recreation space. This paper takes Nanjing Confucius Temple block, an urban residents' outdoor recreational olace and 5A tourism area.as a study case, and estimates its recreationists' place attachment with 5-point likert scale. The result shows that Nanjing residents' place attachment to Confucius Temple recreational block is constructed by two dimensions:place dependence and place identity. Place identity is more important than place dependence for Nanjing residents. Time and economic condition are the main factors in the formation of residents' place attachment to Confucius temple block. Place dependence is mainly affected by residents' economic condition while place identity by time. Confucius temple block as a popular recreational block primarily meets medium educational level and the middle income class recreationists' demand. This study also demonstrates the validity of the measurement scale and the applicability of this measurement technology in the research of urban residents' place attachment in China. Study on urban residents' place attachment to recreational block provides not only practical guidance and reference for the planning and construction of urban historic district and recreation space, but also a new perspective for the theory and method of modem urban recreation space planning and design.
Scientia Geographica Sinica
urban residents
place attachment
Nanjing Confucius Temple Block