
响应面法优化复合食品添加剂对猪肉蒸煮出品率的研究 被引量:5

Optimization of compound food additives for the yield of cooking pork by response surface methodology
摘要 为了提高猪肉的保水性,以猪肉蒸煮出品率为评价指标,首先将三聚磷酸钠、焦磷酸钠、六偏磷酸钠按4∶3∶2比例复配成复合磷酸盐添加到猪肉中,猪肉的蒸煮出品率为85.47%。在单因素工艺实验的基础上,应用响应面分析法对复合磷酸盐、谷氨酰胺转氨酶、大豆分离蛋白、卡拉胶添加量进行优化,结果表明,最佳添加量为复合磷酸盐0.36%、TG酶0.60%、卡拉胶0.20%、大豆分离蛋白0.41%,在此条件下,猪肉蒸煮出品率可达到89.5311%。验证实验猪肉蒸煮出品率为89.1%±0.4%,表明实验结果与软件优化结果相符。 In order to improve pork water-holding capacity,using the yield of cooking pork as evaluation index,sodium tripolyphosphate(STP),sodium pyrophosphate(SAP)and sodium hexametaphosphate(HMP)were mixed as compound phosphate food additive by a ratio of 4∶ 3∶ 2 applied to the meat,the predicted yield of cooking pork was 85.47%.The effects of compound phosphates,transglutaminase,isolated soy protein and carrageenan on the yield of cooking pork was discussed through Box-Benhnken response surface analysis on the basis of single-factor experiments.The results showed that the optimal additive amount were obtained as follows:the addition of compound phosphates(STP∶ SAP∶ HMP=4∶ 3∶ 2)0.36%,the content of Transglutaminase(TG)0.60%,the content of carrageen 0.20% and the content of isolated soy protein 0.41%.Under these conditions,the predicted yield of cooking pork was 89.5311%,which was consistent with the average value 89.1%±0.4% from verification tests.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期354-357,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 贵州省工业攻关项目(黔科合GY字(2008)3018) 贵州省科技厅工业攻关项目(黔科合GY[2009]3052) 贵州省社会发展攻关项目(黔科合GY字(2010)3041) 贵阳市科技重大专项([2010]筑科农合同字第8-2号)
关键词 复合磷酸盐 谷氨酰胺转胺酶 出品率 响应面分析法 compound phosphate Transglutaminase(TG) yield of pork product response surface methodology
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