

Analysis of mechanics property of short - pier shear wall structure
摘要 根据壁式框架结构和联肢剪力墙的力学特点,分析了由短肢剪力墙组成的壁式框架结构和联肢剪力墙的力学性能,比较了在水平荷载作用下两种结构的弯矩、位移、和剪跨比变化特点,重点分析了肢距系数T对结构力学性能的影响,提出了短肢剪力墙的一种合理结构形式,以供设计参考。 According to the property of wall - frame structure and coupled shear wall structure, this paper analyses the mechanical property of wall - frame structure and coupled shear wall structure which coupled with short - pier shear wall. It compares moment, displacement, and shear span ratio changes of the two structures with the level of load in them, focusing on an analysis of influence of limbs coefficient T on the mechanical properties of the structure. A rational structure of short - pier shear wall has been advanced for the design of reference.
作者 陈晋 杨正华
出处 《新余学院学报》 2011年第3期34-36,共3页 Journal of Xinyu University
关键词 短肢剪力墙 联肢剪力墙 壁式框架 short - pier shear wall coupled shear wall wall - frame
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